martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

Schedule exams, Third term

                                 EXAMS SCHEDULE III TERM
601Sep, 13th - 20th sep, 27th - oct 4thoct 18th - 25thoct, 5th - 19th - 26th
602Sep, 13th - 20th sep, 27th - oct 4thoct 18th - 25thoct, 5th - 19th - 26th
603Sep, 13th - 20th sep, 27th - oct 4thoct 18th - 25thoct, 6th - 20th - 27th 
604Sep, 13th - 20th sep, 27th - oct 4thoct 18th - 25thoct, 5th - 19th - 26th


List of the most common regular verbs. Click here


Hi dear students, please check the list of the verbs and take the copy for the next classes.
Click here

martes, 19 de julio de 2011

martes, 21 de junio de 2011


Hi, the following links are for you to practice before return to your daily activities. In the first link you could find a power point presentation and in the other one you can find a vocabulary to practice. Please don't forget to listen and practice the song with the corresponding lyrics. Enjoy!! =)

Click here power point presentation
Click here adjectives vocabulary